The Ontario Building Code | Openings near Exit Doors openings="" title ="Window installer in Toronto">openings near Exit doors

(1) This Article applies to,

(a) exit doors serving other than single dwelling units, and

(b) exit doors serving single dwelling units where there is no second and separate exit from the dwelling unit.

Note: On July 1, 2017, Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted: (See: O. Reg. 139/17, s. 92)

(1) This Article applies to,

(a) exitdoors serving other than an individual dwelling unit, and

(b) exitdoors serving an individual dwelling unit where there is no second and separate exit from the dwelling unit.

(2) Where an exterior exit door described in Sentence (1) in one fire compartment is within 3 m horizontally of an unprotected opening in another fire compartment and the exterior walls of these fire compartments intersect at an exterior angle of less than 135°, the opening shall be protected with wireref ="" title ="Electricians in East York">wired glass in fixed steel frames or glass block conforming to Articles and or with a rated closure conforming to Table with respect to the rating of the fire separation between the two compartments.